Thursday, March 1, 2012

Forms of Nonlistening

A  lot of the forms of nonlistening sound very familiar to me. I think I have encountered each one and have been guilty of a few as well. In my communication, a common form of nonlistening I have engaged in is pseudolistening. Sometimes when I talk to friends, they would tell me about a situation that they may be concerned about and sometimes I tend to be preoccupied texting someone else rather than actively listening. Furthermore, sometimes they come visit me at work and try to update me on a situation, even though I am busy doing work for my boss. I also do not enjoy talking on the phone for pleasure and try to avoid it because I am always distracted doing other things while I'm on the phone with someone. I feel like it is bothersome because they are keeping me from being productive and would rather wait to see them in person to really talk to them. A way to overcome pseudolistening when communicating with others may be to put my phone away where I can not see it or hear it when I get a notification. That way, I won't be so tempted to see what's on my phone and actually listen to others. Another way to overcome pseudolistening is to have my friends talk to me outside of work when I do not have other tasks to finish. Instead, I can ask them to grab dinner sometime to really listen and provide feedback.


  1. Hey Michelle DeLano,

    I, like you, am also guilty of psuedolistening and share some similar moments as well. We do it because it is a habit and not because it is intentional. I know I don't like to be bothered with lengthy conversations when I'm busy at work, so I just nod my head and say things like "Yeah. That's cool" and other things. I like one of your ways to overcome psuedolistening by postponing the conversation to a more convenient time for both of you. That way, you have no distractions and you can listen honestly and have a more genuine conversation.

  2. Wow, I related everything about your post to myself and honestly, I cannot deny any it. I am guilty when it comes to pseudolistening as well. As silly as it sounds, I always tried to multi-task when it comes to all aspects of my life. From doing my work to talking to my friends, I had tried to balance two tasks at once. There was no funny business involved that quite frankly, it was a difficult job to handle. Like yourself, I do not enjoy talking to others when I am busy focusing on another task. I always tried to avoid communicating with others as much as I can, but it never seems to work. I also am one of those people who cannot pry themselves off of their phone. I constantly check the device and I am always interested in what is going on with the rest of the world. I am glad that you wrote this post! Great job!
