Friday, April 20, 2012

Love & Commitment

There has been one relationship I can recall in which love and commitment were not both present. This relationship was with one of my ex-boyfriends, who I was with for almost two years. Everything was dandy and perfect in the beginning, for the first year and a half. However, I think I began to fall out of being in love with him. Everything was great, but I grew bored. We saw each other often, hung out with the same group of friends, and did everything together. It was the same routine day in and day out, that even though I was committed, the flame that was once there had died out and he was more of my best friend than a boyfriend. Although I tried to hang on a bit longer for our flame to rebuild, I couldn’t force myself to stay in love with him as much as I wanted to. Soon enough, we broke up, which was a huge shock for everyone because from the outside, it seemed as if we were doing so well. I can conclude that commitment and love work interchangeably. Without love, commitment is not possible. If there is no love, there is not enough to keep a person from staying in a relationship and be "tied down" to one person. Without commitment, the love is probably not wholeheartedly there. 


  1. Hey Michelle DeLano,

    I agree that you can't have one without the other. If there is love and no commitment or whether its commitment with no love, if they both don't exist at the same time, a relationship just wouldn't work. The relationship would eventually have to end. I commend you for staying with the relationship a while longer to see if the flame you once had would spark again, but you also did the right thing in ending it. Nobody wants to be tied down to something. It should be something that you enjoy and should look forward to spending the future with.

  2. What a great information I discovered and I believe everyone should consider this wise words of a great woman that will definitely a good tool to be contented in our existence.

    How To Get Your Man To Commit
